

I guess it all started when I was four years old. It was a quiet night and my dad had this movie on where planet Earth was under attack by these gaunt creatures with bulging brains. It was Mars Attacks!–you know, that ’90s satirical movie with Jack Nicholson and Glenn Close and Natalie Portman. As I recall, this movie terrified me as a little kid. I couldn’t get the martians’ eerie glare out of my mind. That scene with Martin Short getting his finger chewed off by an odd-looking lady really scarred me. The film pretty much left its mark on my psych. And yet, that’s how my love for movies culminated. It was the ability of MarsĀ to evoke these emotions into my puny mind that made me appreciate what a film was able to do.

From then on, I sort of became intrigued by movies. Instead of just watching them for pure popcorn entertainment, I started to look out for different aspects–things like the screenplay, or the cinematography, or the editing. These are only some aspects that can either make or break a movie for me–and I’ll be talking about them in the film reviews I post in this blog.